pommier : 'aroma' (swedish)

Genre - Fruit : Malus domestica - Pomme

Informations de la variété

  • Malus autre que Malus domestica

  • Pommier autres

  • The tree is medium-growing with a green foliage. Flowers with in vitro flowers in May. Plant in sun or semi-shade, preferably in nutritious, muddy and well-drained soil. Prune July-October and during the spring, then thaw away inward, damaged and crossing branches.

  • Well-known, Swedish variety that gives yellow-green apples with red sun side. Has a fine, firm fruit flesh with a sweet-sour taste. Fresh variety. Can be stored until Christmas.

  • Sweet sour with nice flavour

  • Best as a table fruit. Also nice for making apple sauce and cider.

  • Skåne (Sweden)

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Variété modifié le 1 avril 2022