Framboisier : 'boyne '

Genre - Fruit : Rubus idaeus - Framboise

Informations de la variété

  • Rubus idaeus L.

  • Framboisier

  • Many suckers, Sturdy upright 5 foot canes do not need trellising to support the fruit production

    Junebearing not everbearing

    Released primarily for southern Manitoba, the red raspberry Boyne (Chief x Indian Summer) was been developed at Morden, Man. It out yields Chief and Latham, producing somewhat larger fruits than Chief, and has so far equals or exceeded both these varieties in winter hardiness. Boyne is superior to Latham in flavour and almost equal to Chief in sweetness.

  • Produces dark red, medium sized berries. Heavy Cropper. Very winter hardy: Zones 3-6

  • Fireblight -

  • Periode de fructification : Juillet -

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Variété modifié le 30 août 2021