Genre - Fruit : Citrus sinensis - Orange
Informations de la variété
- Citrus spp.
- Fortunella spp.
- Poncirus spp. et hybrides
- Agrumes
- Oranger Vaniglia,Orange Vaniglia
- Indistinguable from regular orange tree
- Externally, it resembles a regular orange. Seedy.
- As regular orange.
- The lack of acidity makes the fruit palatable earlier than other oranges.
- The lack of acidity may result in fruit with a bland taste, specially if they don't come from established trees, or aren't ripen enough. The fruit has seeds, unlike the "vaniglia apireno".
- Southern Italy.
Periode de floraison : Avril - Mai -
Periode de fructification : Décembre -
Periode de conservation : Janvier - Février - Mars - Avril - Mai -
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Variété modifié le 28 mars 2022