Genre - Fruit : Diospyros virginiana - Plaquemine de Virginie
Informations de la variété
- Diospyros virginiana L.
- Plaqueminiers de Virginie
- diospyros virginiana U-20a (celebrity)
- Celebrity U – 20A
Chair claire, fruit de haute qualité est remarquablement similaire à un kaki kaki. Du programme d'élevage de Jerry Lehman.
From Jerry Lehman Indiana breeding program highly rated fruit one of the best tasting and large. Crystal clear fruit, nearly seedless with the texture of Kaki persimmon. Rated very high for disease resistance and very high for the quality of fruit. Closest to a kaki as you can get with the cold hardiness of Virginiana. Selected from Jerry Lehman'scrosses of Dollywood D128 X F58 male. Both are prodigies of Miller and Early Golden.The Largest fruit produced from the Lehman breeding program
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Variété modifié le 1 septembre 2021