Genre - Fruit : Prunus avium - Cerise
Informations de la variété
- Prunus avium L.
- Cerisier
- New Star.
- New Star is a deciduous fruit tree that is often grown grafted upon a dwarfing rootstock. It produces its flowers in early spring before the leaves have fully emerged, and pollinated blossoms develop into firm, red cherries ready for harvest in early to mid-season. Based on comments from web site of fruit tree nurseries in both Argentina and Italy, the fruits of New Star are ready to harvest about three weeks before the summer solstice. The fruit is spicy sweet with a dark red flesh.
- Rojo intenso pulpa firme calibre 24-26 sensible al craking
- Intense couleur rouge, chair ferme et sucrée calibre 24-26, sensible à la fissuration.
- While planting a lone New Star cherry tree does not ensure a good fruit set, the fact this variety is self-fertile makes home orchard development easier. Rather than having to research compatible sweet cherry trees to ensure bees facilitate a timely pollination, gardeners merely have to plant a small grove of only 'New Star' cherries to produce a satisfactory fruit crop
- Developed in 1988 at the Summerland Research Station in British Columbia, Canada, New Star is a variety of sweet cherry. It was bred and selected as a seedling with a genetic lineage to variety Stella, which is the first self-fertile sweet cherry developed in 1970 according to the authors of "Fruit Breeding: Tree and Tropical Fruits.
Read more: Newstar Cherry Information | Garden Guides -
Periode de fructification : Mai -
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Variété modifié le 29 août 2021