Cormier et Sorbier : 'sorbus aria '

Genre - Fruit : Sorbus - Sorbe et Corme

Informations de la variété

  • Sorbus spp. autre que Sorbus domestica

  • Sorbier

  • Alisier blanc. Aria nivea. Crataegus aria. Pyrus aria.

  • feuille entière doublement dentée 6-12cm
    aime le calcaire sec.

    Family: corneal
    Ingredients: Vitamins
    Medicinal properties : Fruits effect against diarrhea and inflammation of the mucous membranes

    Whitebeam is a deciduous tree of the family Rosaceae , which grows in Slovenia, most often in forests Gorjanci. It grows in temperate climates , most on calcareous soils up to 1600 meters high . The tree has a strong root system , at home , in Europe , propagated by seeds , which can germinate even after two years , however, provide for the dissemination of birds claws ripe strawberries .

    Whitebeam grown mainly as an ornamental tree , sometimes also because of the fruit from which cooking brandy. Whitebeam grows 12 to 15 feet in height and is often irregular growth .
    The flowers are hermaphrodite Whitebeam , are united in white, grozdasta inflorescences, which are covered with down . The tree is žužkocvetka , which means that it is in flowers, pollen and pollen . Fruits derived from fertilized flowers are small red or orange berries that are edible . The meat of the fruit is yellow , the flesh sweet taste . Gather them in the first autumn days when soft. Cut the whole group of fruits, stalks them pick up just before use. The refrigerator is well maintained with stalks after a week or more . For winter they dried or frozen .

    Whitebeam , specifically ordinary whitebeam is on top of the leaves dark green and shiny , the lower is densely covered with hairs . Shining cuticle reflects a strong scorching sun , bright felt on the underside of leaves protects against water loss . It grows slowly , but it is tough . The underside of the leaves as white flour , and when in the summer the slopes blowing upflow , over the raised white sheets whitebeam even far observed . But not because of floury white balance sheets whitebeam whitebeam . It got its name from the fruit. Onset of frost are firm red fruits . They are lean and floury taste, they are not mature enough as bitter . After the salt and peppers soften a bit cheesy . However, fruits Whitebeam quickly fall away , yet also immature , it is better to gather all the orange that are not mature enough , but why leave them in the basket in the house that cheesy . Whitebeam is a close relative of mountain ash .

    From polodov Whitebeam can nakuhati brandy with fruity aroma . Alternatively, fruits soaked in brandy and putimo at least 3 weeks. Whitebeam is prepared from the fruit jams and jellies by the same procedure as in the mountain ash . Pest fruits along with other fruit compote cook in . For immediate consumption by the pulp in the mash through a sieve to remove the seeds , which can be used for as an additional flavor compote .
    When they were hard times of famine , people are picking fruit , they on the stove ( or in ohlajajoči the oven ) dried and milled into flour. As an impurity bread flour or even its replacement from Whitebeam flour baked sweet bread . Therefore, whitebeam actually really named whitebeam .
    Grated apple mash from Whitebeam
    Whitebeam fruit mashed with a little water and mash through a sieve . For each person we need 2-3 tablespoons of pulp , 2 apples and juice of half a lemon. Apples, grate and mix with pulp and lemon juice. Sweeten to taste , garnish and sprinkled with cinnamon . Instead of apples or pears can be used quinces .

    Warning: The fruits are seeds for which it is better to spit them out , as contained in amigdalin , which is toxic in large quantities . Amigdalin is also peck of apples, pears and other cultivated relatives Whitebeam .

  • Ressemblent à ceux de Sorbus acuparia, mais un peu plus gros.

  • doux, mais peu sucré, un peu plus charnu et juteux que l'aubépine commune avec laquelle ses goût et taux de sucre sont comparables.


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Variété modifié le 30 août 2021