Cornus mas 'yantarny' (Cornouiller mâle) [4/5]

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Genre - Fruit : Cornus - Cornouille

Cornus 'yantarny'

Informations de la variété






    Yantarnii, Jantarnyj, Yellow™

    Description de l'arbre

    It bears large crops of yellow fruits. Average yield from an about 15 year old shrub 40kg. A moderate growing shrub with a broad pyramidal crown. ‘Yellow’ is the trademarked name from One Green World Nursery.

    Description du fruit

    The fruits are tasty and about 3.5g in weight. Sugar content 9.6%. Fruits are ripening in the early part of September. They do not store well.

    Origine de la variété

    Ukrainian cultivar released in 1982. Breeding work of Svetlana Klimenko.

    Période de maturité


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Variété modifié le 4 octobre 2022

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