Cornus mas 'red star' (Cornouiller mâle) [4/5]

Genre - Fruit : Cornus - Cornouille

Informations de la variété

  • Cornus spp.

  • Cornouiller

  • Vydubetsky, Wydubieckij, Vydubeckij, Vidubetskiy, Vydubychi, Red Star™

  • Average fruit weight 6.5g. Sugar content 7.5%. One of the most productive cultivars average yield from an about 15 year old shrub 50kg. (120 lb) Ripening time is the latter part of August. Red Star is the trademarked name from One Green World Nursery.

  • rouge pourpre

  • Ukrainian Cultivar released in 1990 and located at the Hryshko National Botanical Gardens in Kiev, operated by the Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences. Breeding work of Svetlana Klimenko.

  • Peut aussi se multiplier par bouture à talon en automne.

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Variété modifié le 6 octobre 2022