Genre - Fruit : Elaeagnus - Drupe
Informations de la variété
- Eleagnus spp.
- Eleagnus
- E. x ebbingei is an evergreen shrub growing perhaps 5 metres high and eventually about the same wide. When planted under trees it will adopt a semi-climbing habit and will reach its way up into the bottom branches. It is very tolerant of pruning, however, and can be easily kept much smaller. It is possible to produce a hedge 1.5 metres tall and only 45cm wide, though this is a bit extreme and allowing at least 1 metre width would produce a better hedge. Plants can be a little slow to establish in their first year (do not buy bare-rooted plants since they do not like the disturbance) but then settle down and can make new growth of 75cm or more in a year.
LIMELIGHT Another variegated form, this time with a more silvery appearance to the leaves.
Ce cultivar est un bon pollinisateur des E. x ebbingei. Selon Martin Crawford - E. x ebbingei produces insignificant but exquisitely scented flowers in the autumn and then ripens its very attractive fruits in spring. These fruits are the shape of a rugby ball and can be 2cm or more long and 1cm wide. They are red with a very attractive silver marbling effect. Unless fully ripe, these fruits can be quite astringent, but as they ripen they develop a very acceptable flavour and at their peak of ripeness they become very pleasant, almost delicious. They are also very easy to pick, and a single plant may produce several hundred fruits.
The fruit does contain a rather large seed, however, but this is no real problem since the seed is also edible, with a very mild flavour. It does have an inedible fibrous protective coat - you can either eat both fruit and seed together and then spit out the fibrous remains or you can just eat the fruit, spit out the seed then peel it before eating it.
- The only problem that they do seem to suffer from is that sometimes whole branches die out for no apparent reason. This happens most frequently when the plants are grafted onto the deciduous E. multiflora, so make sure that any plants you buy are grown on their own roots from cuttings.
- Cet arbuste présente beaucoup d’intérêts, en tant qu’ornemental, mais aussi pour ses petits fruits comestibles, ainsi que son remarquable effet coupe-vent et la propriété de ses racines enrichissantes pour le sol(fixateur de azote). Elaeagnus x ebbingei est de plus très tolérant pour les conditions de culture.
- Ne tolère pas les sols saturé en eau.
they certainly do not fruit well every year, and some plants never seem to fruit. Ken Fern knew of several plants, however, that regularly produced heavy crops, including one superb hedge. -
Periode de floraison : Octobre -
Periode de fructification : Avril - Mai -
Periode de conservation : Avril - Mai -
M. Crawford, Creating a forest garden.
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Variété modifié le 3 septembre 2021