Genre - Fruit : Pyrus communis - Poire
Informations de la variété
- Pyrus communis L.
- Poirier
- Height: 20 m
Thickness: 0.5 m
Lifespan: 200 years
Rind: rough and brown
Leaves: lance-shaped, smooth top, bottom side covered with hairs, slightly serrated edge, veins networked sorted
Flower: consists of five petals with red anthers; from one fruit-bearing bud develops from 5 to 25 flowers on short stems
Flowering time: May, June
Reproduction: seedling origin or with. vaccination in wild pear planter
Fruit: juicy, medium-sized, roundish shape, initially green in color when ripe becomes lemon yellow; The fruits are ripe, they are no longer hard and become inside brown - honey; tree abundant, usually every other year
Time plojenja: September and October
Site: geek thrives on deep and loose soils with air and fertile soil. He prefers flysch formations. It grows best at about 400 to 800 or even up to 1000 m above sea level. It is found in cold areas.
Wood: Wood must pears and wild pear is stiff, little flexible, but very durable. -
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Variété modifié le 30 août 2021