Pommier : 'stara polska odmiana (antonówka?)'

Genre - Fruit : Malus domestica - Pomme

Informations de la variété

  • Malus domestica Borkh.

  • Pommier

  • Antonówka Zwykła

  • Growth initially weak, trunk crooked, fully fruiting trees have a large, spherical, slightly flattened crown, few branches grow at an acute angle.

  • Medium-sized, of variable shape, most often spherical or slightly elongated, asymmetrical. The skin is smooth and shiny. As it matures, the color changes from green to straw-colored, sometimes with a faint pinkish-red blush. The fruits are juicy with a sour taste. Ripe Antonówka exudes a strong candy smell

  • The fruits are juicy with a sour taste. Ripe Antonówka exudes a strong candy smell.

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Variété modifié le 2 septembre 2021