Prunus mandshurica (abricotier de Mandchourie)

Genre - Fruit : Prunus - autres

Informations de la variété

  • Prunus autre que Prunus domestica

  • Prunus autres

  • Manchurian Apricot

    Cultivated Varieties:

    * Mandan Apricot (Prunus armeniaca var. mandshurica ‘Mandan’) - Released by USDA, Northern Great Plains Research Station, Mandan, North Dakota. A cultivar
    seed strain.
    * Moongold/Sungold Apricot (P. x ‘Moongold’ and ‘Sungold’) - Released by University of Minnesota,St. Paul, Minnesota.
    * Siberian Apricot (P. armeniaca var. sibirica)

  • Small fast-growing tree. Rounded, spreading form, winter-hardy, and drought resistant. Native to Manchuria and Korea. Attractive white flowers, golden orange fall color.

    Growth Habit - Spreading.
    Texture - Medium, summer; medium, winter.
    Crown Height - 10 to 15 feet.
    Crown Width - 12 to 18 feet.
    Bark Color - Reddish-brown to cinnamon-brown.
    Root System - Medium in depth, and spread.

    Soil Texture - Grows best in loam soils.
    Soil pH - 6.0 to 7.5

  • Fruit Type - Subglobose, peach-like drupe, can be eaten but is best suited for preserves.

    Fruit Color - Fruits are yellow sometimes with a blush
    of red

  • No major pest problems.
    Cold Hardiness - USDA Zone 3.

    Comes true from seed.

  • Early flowering makes fruit production susceptible to spring frost damage.


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Variété modifié le 16 février 2022