Genre - Fruit : Vitis vinifera et hybride de vinifera - Raisin
Informations de la variété
- Vitis vinifera L.
- Vigne
- Extremely early (less than 100 days to ripen), very prolific, very winter-hardy and has a good disease-resistance. Growth is semi-vigorous.
- Round average-sized (3-4 g) greenish-yellow seeded berries, high BRIX, tender skin (nevertheless, berries do not tend to crack). Bunches around 300-500 g.
- Wasps easily damage fruits
- Very early, very sweet, high yield
- Not good for wine, berries a bit small for a dessert variety
- Lithuania
Periode de floraison : Juin -
Periode de fructification : Août -
- - a short description in Estonian with a picture - description in Russian
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Variété modifié le 30 août 2021